Tag Archives: cash

TweetStorm: Bitcoin IS and IS NOT like cash

Originally tweeted on June 30, 2014

1/ Trying a @pmarca tweetstorm; Bitcoin IS and IS NOT like cash

2/ #bitcoinislikecash If you give your bitcoin to someone it’s gone and you can’t get it back

3/ #bitcoinisnotlikecash You can (and should!!) backup your bitcoin

4/ #bitcoinislikecash If you lose your bitcoin you’re out of luck it’s gone

5/ #bitcoinislikecash You can give your bitcoin to someone without revealing your identity

6/ #bitcoinisnotlikecash When you spend your bitcoin a record of the transaction goes into a public ledger

7/ #bitcoinislikecash Cash is printed on worthless paper but people give it value, bitcoin is in worthless data but ppl give it value

8/ #bitcoinisnotlikecash you can backup your bitcoin electronically or on physical media like paper